Dragonball Z and Javascript ES6
ES6 is wonderful and full of heroes, not unlike the favourite show from my youth, Dragonball Z.
I have noticed some similarities between characters of the show and features of the Javascript ES6 spec. Below I have attempted to explain where I see the similarities. I hope you will stick with me on this journey.
Goku is ES6 Modules

With them everything is better, they make doing the right think look cool. An effortlessness to understanding them.
Gohan is Promises

When all else fails he comes to the rescue and makes everything better.
Saved the day countless times.
My personal favourite feature (and character).
Vegeta is arrow functions

Often very quickly to be applied, sometimes without much thought.
Quite superficial on the surface but has a hidden depth which only appears in due course.
Just rocks.
Piccolo is let/const
- shining example of how to do things
- always there making sure the small things run smoothly
Krillin is template strings
- doesn’t usually have much to do but is always there
Bulma is spread operator
- builds things which are kept tidy
- works to encapsulate items
I then started to think on the other spectrum, and came up with some thoughts on which villains of the show I would compare with which feature.
Cell is Classes

Rigid in approach.
Strength and ability built around inheritance and a base taxonomy.
Majin Buu is loose typing

No consistency and body frequently acts oddly and not as expected.
More forms than you can shake a leaf at.
Frieza is Globals

Wants to take over everything. Pretentious nature to them.
Doesn’t think about side-effects
Forces are everywhere
Raditz is callback hell
- really annoying and you hate its very existence
Yamacha is automatic semicolon insertion
- what the hell are you doing there!
- your only going to make things worse and somebody is going to get hurt.
Burta and Jace from Ginyu are call/apply
- i am sure there’s a difference between these 2, but it’s so small I always forget what it is.
What other combinations are there?
Please feel free to comment with your own ideas, id love to hear them. Im sure there are many.